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What Is Hot Desking And How Can You Achieve It In Your Office?

When people come into the office, they might be discouraged by sitting in the same seat or cubicle every day. This is because some people might find it extremely monotonous to be in the same place, especially if they have worked in the same office for a number of years.

There are different ways that you can design your office so that people will not feel that they are seeing the same desk and the same walls day in day out. When people feel like they are working in a new environment every day of the week, they will be more productive and they will be less likely to become frustrated with their job.

You can implement a policy of “hot desking” at the office, which means that people will change places with each other on a daily basis. If the office has the same design all over, then this could be a pointless exercise. Instead, the design of the office needs to be mixed up so that people feel the full benefits of moving to a new part of the office on a regular basis.

How can you design the office so that hot desking is a complete success?

Have Different Office Chairs At Each Desk

The first step to making sure that the office has a diverse look is to ensure that there are a variety of office chairs at each desk. You will be able to select a wide array by searching for London office fit out companies. You should make sure that the chairs are different colours and that they have different kinds of style. This will make your employees feel like they are in a totally new space.

The chairs need to have high-back support in order to prevent muscle pain. This will allow the employees to work efficiently when they are at their desks. You should get feedback from your employees about which chairs they prefer and which chairs they dislike. Then you can replace any chairs that are being viewed unfavourably.

Have Different Styles Of Desks

Your employees need robust desks so that they can type properly on the computer and they can take notes as well. People might get bored if they are sat at the same kind of desk, so you need to think about having several different kinds of a desk in the office space. Make sure that the desks are not too small and they also need to not be blocking any walkways.

Then people can switch around and feel happy that they are sat at a completely different desk to the one that they were using the day before. You can get feedback from the staff about the desks that they think are the most effective and the desks that they think are not a good fit for the office. This will influence your decision on which desks can remain in the office and which ones need to be replaced as soon as possible.

Split The Office Into Two Sections

When people are working exclusively in cubicles or exclusively in an open-plan space, this can start to feel extremely monotonous. You should explore the possibility of making sure that this doesn’t happen.

The best way to change the entire layout of the office is to split the office into two sections: one section should have open plan desks, and the other section should have cubicles installed. This means that employees can switch between the two different sections of the office when they are working. This will keep them motivated and interested, which allows them to put more attention into the work that they are doing.

You should get some feedback from your employees about how they feel about the two sections of the office. The employees might want the office to be much more open-plan in design, or they might prefer that there are more cubicles for them to sit in. This will influence how you change the design of the office in the future.

Choose Different Desk Lights For Cubicles And Open-Plan Spaces

You need to make sure that your employees are getting all the light that they need. This will allow them to focus and they will also feel like they are being observed by their managers. When people are hot desking, they need to feel like they are sat at a new desk every single day. You can put different styles of desk lamp on each desk or in the cubicle.

This creates a subtle psychological effect and they will not feel like they are stuck on the same kind of desk every day. You can get some feedback from the employees to find out which lights are the most effective for the desks and cubicles.

Put Different Coloured Blinds On The Windows

Sometimes the sunlight outside can be too bright and can start to reflect off the computer screens in the office. This can make typing next to impossible, so the problem needs to be addressed, You can incorporate the windows into your hot desking strategy by making sure that all the individual blinds are different colours. When employees sit in different parts of the office, they will be near a blind that has a different colour to the one that they were near to before.

You might want to experiment with lots of different styles and fabrics until you find the type that suits the office the most. Get some employee feedback about the kinds of colours that they prefer. Some of the most effective colours are light blues and greens because these are effective at keeping employees relaxed and motivated to do their work.

Put Different Coloured Mousepads On Each Desk

A small touch to consider is putting different coloured mousepads on each desk so that it gives the space a touch of individuality. Choose bright colours to make space seem more vibrant.

You should consider redesigning the office so it is suitable for hot desking.

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