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Complete Guide To Individual Term Life Insurance Plans

Individual Term Life Insurance Plans are increasingly becoming the need of the hour. More and more people are waking up to the importance of such plans and are intrigued to get more information to include it to their insurance portfolio.

But what about you? Do you have a complete knowledge of individual Term Life Insurance Plans? Since individual Term Life Insurance Plans are so important, they warrant a complete understanding on your part before you buy one. So, let’s unravel them–

What is an individual term life insurance plan?

A term plan is a life insurance plan which promises to pay a benefit (the Sum Assured) in case of death of the insured (the individual whose life risk is covered by the plan). Term plans have certain salient features, which distinguishes it from other plans of insurance. Here are such features:


Term plans, pay only the death benefit. When you buy the plan, you choose the specified coverage tenure. In case of death during this tenure, your family would be paid the Sum Assured. However, if you survive the chosen plan tenure of your term plan, no benefit is paid.

Term plans are unique in respect of the coverage granted by them. These plans allow you to avail a higher coverage amount at a very lower premium. Since term plans usually pay a death benefit, only the life risk premium is required to be paid. This life risk premium is low, thereby resulting in very low premiums.

Term plans cover death risk only during a specified tenure. Thus, the tenure of term plans is usually high so that you can avail coverage for the maximum possible duration. Term plans are usually offered for up to 40 years and by some insurers even till age 80.

Individual Term Life Insurance Plans come in four different variants apart from the basic plan to suit varied needs. Let us see what these variants are:

Importance of Individual Term Life Insurance Plans

The main importance of these plans lies in the fact that they provide financial security. By enabling a higher Sum Assured, you can ensure that your family would be financially protected even when you are not around them. They can, thus, meet their financial obligations through the benefit paid by a term plan. Moreover, decreasing term plans also help take care of outstanding liabilities and prevent their burden from falling on your family when you are gone.

All in all, Individual Term Life Insurance Plans are a quintessential requirement. So, first know all about such plans and then ensure to include one in your financial portfolio at the earliest.

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