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Advantages Of Bespoke Software

When it comes to making your business more efficient, there are 2 types of software you can integrate into your system, one being your average over the counter packages, the other being a customised design purposely made for your company. Although mass produced packages are cheaper, they aren’t created for anyone in particular, they just do enough to cover the basics. Here are some advantages to installing bespoke software.

Complete Control

When choosing to purchase customised systems such as CMMS software, you get a package which is designed specifically for your needs. A company representative will speak with you about the type of operational system you require, they will then relay this information back to their software developers who can design a solution for your business. One of the great things about working with software development specialists is that you can provide feedback while they create the system, so if you find something isn’t practical enough, they can quickly change the system, so it functions the way you desire.

If you find that your company has started to grow at an exponential rate, and your current system isn’t good enough to effectively handle your workload, you can contact the software development team and communicate your issues. They can access the system and immediately change or create new functions which enable you to work more efficiently.

Unwanted Features

If you buy off the shelf software, there tends to be many functions which you never use and don’t need on your system. These functions are not only useless, they also slow your system down. Over the counter software packages are designed to be purchased by numerous organisations, they aren’t created for a single purpose, meaning they often hinder productivity rather than make it better. Another issue you’ll encounter is finding software which contains all the right features for your business, in comparison, a bespoke package is tailor-made to suit your requirements.

Easy to Use Functions

Bespoke systems are easy to use because they’ve been designed using your own input, so developers have had time to install tools which are specifically created to improve your operations. Most commercial products are full of useless tools, these functions often slow down your system and can be difficult to operate. Bespoke software help teams to manage their workload more effectively, when employees are faced with simple operating functions, it can boost morale and improve productivity.

Increased Effectiveness

To make your business more efficient you need bespoke software, it improves areas such as communication and provides tools which help company personnel to collaborate more effectively. Your workers will gain a shared understanding of operating procedures and if something goes wrong, the relevant engineers will be notified to resolve the problem.

Installing tailor-made software doesn’t only benefit your employees, it also improves your relationship with other business partners and customers. A bespoke system gives you added protection and allows members of your team to communicate more effectively, this leads to increased productivity and profit margins.

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