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7 Things You Should Know About Qualifying For Bariatric Surgery

If you are overweight, then you will likely be looking for ways to cut down your excess weight and get back that great body. But not anyone can get a bariatric surgery done. The doctors have strict criteria as to who is eligible for it, right from physical criteria to psychological and medical conditions. As such, having a knowledge about such requirements will help you better prepare yourself when approaching a doctor for a surgery approval. In this post, we will look at the seven things you must definitely know when looking to qualify for a bariatric surgery.

Physical Criteria

Among all the qualifying criteria for the surgery, the first is the physical readiness of the candidate. Only people between the ages of 14 and 75 are usually given permission for the surgery. The person will be expected to have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or more. A BMI of less than 40 is usually not considered ready for bariatric surgery. The only exception made is when the adult has a BMI of only 35, yet suffers from health issues like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes etc. Now, the qualifications can be changed in case you suffer from a unique problem that your doctor thinks can only be resolved through bariatric surgery even though you do not satisfy the standard physical requirements. So, consult a professional doctor to know whether you can qualify for the surgery or not.

Psychological Criteria

The psychological status of a person is also taken into account when sanctioning bariatric surgery. There are certain mental conditions that can contribute to your excess weight. For example, if you suffer from binge-eating disorder, then the doctor might not sanction the surgery. Since binge-eating disorder makes a person eat foods in a compulsive, frequent manner due to some psychological reasons, bariatric surgery may not be able to provide a long lasting solution if such behavioral tendencies continue. Other psychological conditions that are watched out for include schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder etc. It is, therefore, necessary that the person first get themselves rid of the philological problem, and only then approach a doctor to get approval for bariatric surgery.

Existing Medical Conditions

If you have any existing medical conditions that the doctor is concerned about, then that too can block out your chances of the surgery. This is primarily because certain health conditions are known to either worsen post the surgery or raise the risks of the surgery itself. Such medical conditions include heart disease, blood clots, kidney stones, and so on. Doing a bariatric surgery with these health problems can turn out to be very dangerous. If you are taking any medications at present, then that too will be analyzed to make sure the medicines won’t hamper the effects of the surgery. In addition to these, certain habits are also considered. These include things like smoking, alcohol abuse, and so on. If you exhibit any such habits, a bariatric surgery may not be possible.


You diet patterns and nutrition will also be observed by the doctors. What you typically east, how frequently you eat, the nutrition you get from your daily food, how much your diet deviates from an ‘ideal’ diet etc. will be seriously analyzed. Together with this, your exercise regimen will also be looked at. Other factors to be considered include the level of stress, the limitation of time etc. Finally, if the doctor is pretty happy about the information you have submitted, they will take a call on whether you will need to have a bariatric surgery or not.

Financial Necessities

You will also need to take care of the financial aspect of the surgery. In many cases, a person may not have enough money saved up to get the surgery done even though they might wish for it. And this is where the insurance companies come into play. With them on your side, you don’t have to worry about the finance – the insurance company will handle all your expenses related to the surgery. However, to do so will require that you conclusively prove that the surgery is a necessity. And for this, you will need a couple of letters from a few good doctors who will verify your condition. Now, in some cases, the insurance company will not pay the full cost of the surgery, but only a part. So, be very clear as to how much they are willing to pay so that you know the amount you will need for the bariatric surgery.

Pre Surgery Qualifications

Once everything is ready, you can wait for the surgery day to come. However, even at the last moment, a doctor can cancel of delay the surgery citing several reasons. One such reason is if the doctor had instructed something that you had to do before the surgery, but which you did not do. For example, the doctor may have asked you to diet for three months before starting the surgery. If you do follow these instructions and refuse to cut down the food, then the scheduled surgery can be postponed by the doctor. And if you have gained weight in the meantime, then you can be pretty sure that your surgery will not be approved.


Finally, you need to show an enthusiasm for the surgery. If you approach a doctor with a sad face as if there is nothing good in your life, and you keep doubting about the success of the bariatric surgery every single time you speak with the doctor, then they are likely to avid you permission for the surgery. In contrast, if you are sufficiently cheerful and responsive to the doctor’s inquiries, then they will likely okay your surgery.

You should also remember that bariatric surgery does not perform any miracles. Even though it is true that the bariatric surgery will reduce your weight, it is far better to have realistic expectations so that you can be happy with the results of the surgery.

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